11 Easy SEO Practices to Increase Website Traffic and Revenue

If you are running a website there has to be revenue and traffic and driving the same is not an easy task. Therefore, you need to apply some strategies to achieve the same. Let’s explore 11 easy SEO practices that help in increasing the website revenue and the traffic.

Organic traffic is when the visitors visit the website without any paid search engine result. As the visitor count organically on your site increases it also tends to bring an opportunity to convert them into the paying customers.

1. Optimize Website Speed Up

Optimize Website Speed UpHaving the lower page speed is one of the ranking factors in the criteria of Google. Therefore, if your website is loading at a slower rate you will automatically get a lower SEO practices ranking with the higher bounce rate which is eventually not good for a long run. It will also lead you in losing the potential visitor.
Therefore, your site speed and the optimized images, hosting, code and other elements must be perfect as per the algorithm. Work on decreasing your load time and get your conversions increased by 7% as the faster your site will be you will get the organic traffic captivated.


2. Improve Your Link Profile

If you get an inbound link that has a higher authority it will eventually tell Google about your content being valuable. Therefore, the backlinks which are created should be of a greater quality which eventually improves the search ranking and the domain authority.

3. Create Eye Catchy or Clickable Title Tags

Create Eye Catchy or Clickable Title TagsThe title tags that will be created should be a clickbait. Refrain from stuffing keywords as it will eventually turn boring. You can also create a curiosity with numbers gaps in other techniques and include the target keywords that come naturally.

4. Refresh and Enhance Old Content

It’s crucial that you keep on enhancing your old content. No matter if your existing page contains evergreen content or not. It turns out to be a responsibility to update it, giving them a new life with the statistics and other relevant exposure.
Expand it with the in depth guides and offer a rich information as the traffic to those posts bring out over pouring with smart refresher.

5. Produce New Quality SEO Friendly Content

Producing SEO friendly content that is new clearly helps you achieve your goal and align with the algorithm. You should inform, entertain and educate your audience and make your content better than your competitors. The more quality of page you will add it will help you fetch the organic traffic and discover your site.

6. Get Improve Local SEO Search

Around 50% of searchers have a local intention of knowledge. Tap into the search as, what are the best restaurants in a particular district, try optimizing it for the local SEO practice.
Add schema markup, citations, localized pages are other location focus signals that help you in out ranking the Other business from the geography and targets the nearby search.

7. Improve Website Navigation

Improve Website NavigationYou should not bury the content as Google wants to witness it in an easily accessible way through a clean navigation.
Organize the content with the logical category, linked internal pages and effective menu with a visible call to action. You should make it easier for the visitor to access your website.

8. Refresh ON-Page SEO

You should optimize your individual page as it will help you rank the content and get yourself rank in the search bot index as well.
Try strengthening your On page SEO, meta description, structure data markup, internal linking, target keyword, H1/H2 tags are important to be optimized.

9. Build and Follow Google Popularity Signals

Building a Google popularity signal helps you rank in the algorithm with Google. Therefore, Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook are few mediums that drive visitors.
Keep sharing new content, run social media ads, engage your followers as the more buzz you create you will surely rise to popularity.

10. Build Quality Backlinks, Not Quantity

You need to build quality backlinks as it improves your search engine ranking and increases your domain authority. You should focus not on the quantity of backlinks you make rather the quality is something that needs to be considered.

11. Monitor and Improve

Check the Google search console and analytics on a regular basis to see the focus of the keyword. Identify the poorly performing pages to replace and update.

Therefore, you need to keep on testing and optimizing your contents along with the social activity to have a long time growth and organic traffic.


Having a good strategy for the website traffic and revenue is really important. Therefore, the above 11 strategies will help you to rank in the search engine. You should ensure each page on your website is optimized with an on page SEO and create high quality content. You should also focus on making quality backlinks and optimize for the local SEO utilizing the schema markup. Staying updated with the SEO Trends and having an algorithm update with the best practices is also really important that helps in improving the search engine ranking and in boosting the revenue by attracting more visitors and converting it into the customer.